Many parking signs show regulations with "school days" which are Monday to Friday.
When days are displayed like Mon-Fri, it means Mon to Fri. When days are seperated by a space, it means only the mentioned days apply.
When a sign has an arrow pointing to the left or right, it means that the regulation applies from the sign to the direction of the arrow, to the end of the street or to the next parking sign.
When there's a no parking sign with no hours, it applies on all the hours.
Parking is not allowed at fire hydrants, alleys, driveways, entrances of garages, bus stops, bike lanes...etc.
If a no parking space is shorter than two cars' length ie 10m, no need to add it.
The editor does not handle the snow cases so we don't add those. However if there's a date, days and time in the sign, we need to add those.